Archaeological and Historical Investigations for Energy Facilities: A State of the Art Report
Author(s): Iroquois Research Institute
Year: 1977
This study's main objective is to inform a decision maker of the various measures available to fulfill mandated federal regulations to preserve and protect the nation's cultural resources. The State of the Art report has important revelations and admitted limitations. It identifies some of the existing bias. It reports many accomplishments of recent years but fails to establish precise dollar thresholds for certain types of cultural resources' performances. This report is biased by only considering the type of projects coming before the Federal Power Commission for a public license.
Iroquois performed its case survey by mailing out letters to various state and federal government agencies involved in cultural resources contracting, state historic preservation officers, historical societies, state archaeologists, private industrial power or pipeline companies, and to individuals involved in the cultural resources field. The letters requested information concerning Preliminary Assessment, Reconnaissance, Intensive Survey, Testing, and Salvage work. Iroquois was specifically seeking case studies which included a scope of work, successful proposal if applicable, contract cost breakdown, and a final report.
Cite this Record
Archaeological and Historical Investigations for Energy Facilities: A State of the Art Report. Iroquois Research Institute. Washington, DC: Federal Power Commission. 1977 ( tDAR id: 210373) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8210373
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Investigation Types
Heritage Management
Cultural Resource Management
Cultural Resources Management Plan
Energy Facilities
Federal Power Commission
Method and theory
Geographic Keywords
47999 (Fips Code)
North America (Continent)
United States of America (Country)
Spatial Coverage
min long: -126.123; min lat: 25.165 ; max long: -66.533; max lat: 49.268 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager
Contributor(s): Cecil R. Brooks; Albert A. Dekin; James C. Erlandson; Warren C. Huff; Thomas N. Jones; Charles H. LeeDecker; Bernard M. Mergen; Mary Oehrlein; Rita E. Ormasa; Robert Pasnak; Robert Eli Paul; Harold C. Petrowitz; Susan R. Slade; Douglas J. Soule; George H. Walker; Leonard R. Crook
Project Director(s): Bernard W. Poirier
Sponsor(s): Office of Energy Systems, Federal Power Commission
Prepared By(s): Iroquois Research Institute
Record Identifiers
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number(s): 77-70222
NADB document id number(s): 476089; 4058916
Contract #(s): FP-1807
NADB citation id number(s): 000000250503; 000000065603
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
1977_Poirier_ArchaeologicalandHistorical_OCR_PDFA.pdf | 118.70mb | Feb 1, 1977 | Mar 24, 2017 12:35:28 PM | Confidential | |
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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager