Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment; a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan
Author(s): Leon J. Manich
Year: 1995
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Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment; a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan. Leon J. Manich. 1995 ( tDAR id: 274237)
Investigation Types
Systematic Survey
1935 Ashcraft Camp
Automobile 1930-1940 Oldsmobile
Building Remains
Can Dump
Concrete Water Pad
Historic Stone
Lithic Scatter
Milling Features
Rail Road Spikes
Rail Road Ties
Refuse Dump
Skull Creek Camp
Two Hole Outhouse
Wooden Platform
Spatial Coverage
min long: -120.653; min lat: 37.634 ; max long: -119.196; max lat: 38.433 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): State, County, and Local Government; Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Prepared By(s): L.J. Manich
Record Identifiers
NADB document id number(s): 1362301
NADB citation id number(s): 000000246942
Central California Information Center (CCIC) report no.(s): CCIC#2745
General Note: Submitted to: Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
General Note: Central California Information Center (CCIC) report no. #2745
General Note: Sent from: L.J. Manich