Final Environmental Impact Statement, Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Program, Volume II


The U.S. Air Force proposes to deploy 50 Peacekeeper missiles on 25 trains, which will be based at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming, and at up to 10 other Air Force installations. If the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison system is approved for deployment, F.E. Warren AFB would be the Main Operating Base (MOB) and the first garrison installation. After the EIS is filed, the other garrison installations to be used would be selected from the 10 candidates and the decision would be documented in one or more Records of Decision. Up to four trains could be deployed at the MOB and at each selected garrison installation. Peacekeeper missiles would be assembled and integrated onto missile launch cars at F.E. Warren AFB and then dispatched to other selected garrison installations. Periodically, a training train, with no missile propellants or warheads onboard, would travel to each of the garrison installations for operations, security, and maintenance training. Periodically, for maintenance or test launches, missiles (without warheads) would be moved by rail between garrisons and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming or Vandenberg AFB, California. During periods of national need and upon receipt of direction from a higher authority, Peacekeeper trains could be dispersed onto the national rail network to improve their survivability. The Alternative Action is to deploy 100 Peacekeeper missiles on 50 trains. With this alternative, up to six trains would be deployed at F.E. Warren AFB, the MOB, and at up to 10 other garrison installations. Operations, maintenance, and training activities for the Alternative Action would be similar to those described for the Proposed Action. A No Action Alternative is also presented. The Preferred Action is the deployment of 50 Peacekeeper missiles on 25 trains; the initial deployment of up to eight Peacekeeper missiles (4 trains) at the north site at F.E. Warren AFB, the MOB, with additional bases to be selected after the FEIS is filed. The south site at Dyess AFB, onbase site at Eaker AFB, and south site at Malmstrom AFB are preferred should any of these bases be selected. Potential environmental impacts are considered in the FEIS under the following environmental resource categories: socioeconomics, utilities, transportation, land use, cultural, biological, water, geology and soils, air quality, and noise. In addition, national economic impacts, national railroad transportation impacts, and safety considerations are discussed. Finally, mitigation measures that could be implemented to rehabilitate or restore the affected environment or to reduce significant adverse impacts are identified. This FEIS follows the June 1988 publication of* the Draft EIS (DEIS) for the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison program and incorporates responses to public comments received on the DEIS either in the text or in Volume I (Public Comments).

This Volume includes comments and responses on the Draft EIS (Jun 89) for the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Program at F E Warren Air Force Base (AFB), Wyoming, and ten candidate deployment installations. These are Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; Dyess AFB, Texas; Eaker (formerly Blytheville) AFB, Arkansas; Fairchild AFB, Washington; Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota; Little Rock AFB, Arkansas; Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; Whiteman AFB, Missouri; and Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan. This Volume also includes all original written comment documents and public hearing transcripts (comments section only) as recorded by court recorders for each of the 11 public hearings held on the Draft EIS.

Cite this Record

Final Environmental Impact Statement, Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Program, Volume II. United States Air Force. Final EIS. Norton AFB CA 92409-6448: US Air Force, AFRCE-BMS. 1989 ( tDAR id: 376380) ; doi:10.6067/XCV889154J

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