Architectural Survey of Four Bridges along the SC Route 41 Bridge Replacement Project
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an architectural survey of four bridges along the proposed SC Route 41 Bridge Replacement Project in Florence County, South Carolina (F.A. Project Number BRT-BR21 (006), PIN Number 26945). We recorded four existing highway bridges as Historic Architectural Resources 258 0085 - 258 0088. None of these resources possesses historical associations or architectural merit. We recommend all of these structures not eligible for the NRHP."
Cite this Record
Architectural Survey of Four Bridges along the SC Route 41 Bridge Replacement Project. Inna Burns, Johshua N. Fletcher, Carol Poplin. Mt. Pleasant, SC: Brockington and Associates, Inc. 2004 ( tDAR id: 391226) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8QV3NSK
Site Name
Resource 258 0085 - Bridge 214004100200
Resource 258 0086 - Bridge 214004100300
Resource 258 0087 - Bridge 214004100400
Resource 258 0088 - Bridge 214004100500
Site Type
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Road, Trail, and Related Structures or Features
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Site Evaluation / Testing
Geographic Keywords
Florence (County)
Spatial Coverage
min long: -79.856; min lat: 34.126 ; max long: -79.653; max lat: 34.246 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Heather Robbins; Skip Johnson; Bonnie Frick; Jonathan Leader; Wayne Roberts
Contributor(s): Ed Salo; Carol Poplin; Inna Burns
Principal Investigator(s): Johshua N. Fletcher
Sponsor(s): The LPA Group, Inc.; The South Carolina Department of Transportation
Prepared By(s): Brockington and Associates, Inc.
Record Identifiers
F.A. Project(s): BRT-BR21 (006)
General Note: "We surveyed four bridges scheduled for replacement along the SC Route 41 Bridge Replacement Project in Florence County, South Carolina. The bridges were recorded as historic architectural resources 258 0085-258 0088. All four bridges are concrete structures constructed in 1948. All four bridges have been altered with the addition of a metal guard rail. We recommend these bridges not eligible for the NRHP. None of these resources warrant further management consideration."
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
four-bridges-final-report.pdf | 6.26mb | Jun 19, 2013 2:06:02 PM | Confidential | ||
redacted-four-bridges-final-report.pdf | 5.86mb | Jun 19, 2013 2:06:04 PM | Public |
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Contact(s): Jonathan Leader