Final Environmental Impact Statement of the Proposed Coastal Management Program for the State of Florida


This document was submitted by the State of Florida, as its Coastal Management Program, to the Office of Coastal Zone Management for approval. Approval would allow program administrative grants to be awarded to the state, and would require that Federal actions be consistent with the Program. This document includes a copy of the Program (Part II) which is a comprehensive management program for coastal land and water use activities. The FCMP consists of numerous policies on diverse management issues which are administered under various state laws, and is the culmination of several years of program development.

Approval and implementation of the Program will enhance governance of the state’s coastal land and water areas and uses according to the coastal policies and standards contained in existing statutes, authorities and rules. The effect of these is to condition, restrict or prohibit various uses in parts of the coastal zone, while encouraging development and other uses in other parts. This Program will improve decision making processes for determining appropriate coastal land and water uses in light of resources considerations and will increase public awareness of coastal resources. The Program will result in some short-term economic impacts on coastal users but will lead to increased long-term protection of the state’s coastal resources and improve the responsiveness of state programs.

Cite this Record

Final Environmental Impact Statement of the Proposed Coastal Management Program for the State of Florida. Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce, Florida Office of Coastal Management, Department of Environmental Regulation. United States Department of Commerce; State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. 1981 ( tDAR id: 391245) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8QN67QM

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min long: -86.353; min lat: 24.022 ; max long: -77.344; max lat: 32.004 ;

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