Cultural Resources Survey of Gray Mare Hollow Road (S-146) Improvements, Aiken County, South Carolina
Author(s): Heather Mauldin; Terri Gillett
Year: 2005
"The Department proposes to replace a section of the existing Gray Mare Hollow Road (S-146) with new alignment. The project corridor is located 1.5 miles south of SC302. The new alignment is slated to improve the curvature of the current road and its intersection with Township Road (SC-356). The project area is 0.635 miles in length, and the new improvement area is approximately 0.5 miles. The new right-of-way will average from between 75 and 200 feet."
Cite this Record
Cultural Resources Survey of Gray Mare Hollow Road (S-146) Improvements, Aiken County, South Carolina. Heather Mauldin, Terri Gillett. Columbia, South Carolina: New South Associates, Inc. . 2005 ( tDAR id: 391504) ; doi:10.6067/XCV83N24P1
Investigation Types
Architectural Documentation
Architectural Survey
Historic Background Research
Systematic Survey
Aiken County
Road Improvements
Geographic Keywords
Aiken County
Spatial Coverage
min long: -82.126; min lat: 33.377 ; max long: -81.324; max lat: 33.826 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Jonathan Leader; South Carolina Department of Transportation; New South Associates, Inc. ; South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina
Contributor(s): Heather Mauldin; Terri Gillett; Wayne D. Roberts; Bonnie L. Frick
General Note: "No previously unrecorded archaeological sites were identified along the project corridor. One historic structure was identified along the project corridor. This site (2755) is a fairly recently occupied abandoned house. Shovel tests in the area were negative for cultural materials. Several previously recorded historic sites are near the project area, including St Marks Church (ca 1900) and the Chavous cemetery (ca. 1905), but should not be directly impacted by proposed improvements. The newly identified house site is not eligible for listing on the NRHP and no further cultural resource study of the corridor is recommended."
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January-20-21--2005.pdf | 438.89kb | Sep 17, 2013 9:20:38 AM | Confidential | ||
Redacted-January-20-21--2005.pdf | 464.95kb | Sep 17, 2013 9:20:38 AM | Public |
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Contact(s): Jonathan Leader