A first bibliography of historical archaeology in Australia
Part of the Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 01 project
Author(s): Jane P Wesson
Year: 1983
Primary Copyright Holder: Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA)Summary
Bibliographies are a basic working tool for researching or teaching any subject, or merely for following up a casual interest. The person who undertakes to construct a bibliography, however, must have courage indeed. There will always be users of the end-product who will complain that it is incomplete or inaccurate or both. The proof of the bibliography, like the pudding, is in the eating! Jane Wesson, who has produced the following bibliography, is very conscious of these things. She invites interested readers, who discover that their favourite reference is missing, to send it in so that we can publish an addendum in a later volume of this journal. Indeed, the editor would also propose that all readers publishing their own material should send in lists of references to their latest publications at regular intervals. In this way we could provide an ongoing bibliographic service. The editor suggests that all references for inclusion be sent to him in the first instance.
Cite this Record
A first bibliography of historical archaeology in Australia. Jane P Wesson. Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology. 1: 22-34. 1983 ( tDAR id: 407475) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8JW8HTX
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