The Archaeology of Rubbish or Rubbishing Archaeology: Backward Looks and Forward Glances
Part of the Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 02 project
Author(s): J. V. S. Megaw
Year: 1984
Primary Copyright Holder: Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA)Summary
In this paper, originally prepared as the concluding contribution to the Australian Society for Historical Archaeology's 1982 conference on 'Talking rubbish: or what does archaeology mean to the historian?', Vincent Megaw, the Society's first Vice-President, offered a semi-autobiographical and historical answer to the question posed by the conference title, citing examples from the United Kingdom, the United States of America and, of course, Australia.
Cite this Record
The Archaeology of Rubbish or Rubbishing Archaeology: Backward Looks and Forward Glances. J. V. S. Megaw. Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology. 2: 7-12. 1984 ( tDAR id: 407523) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8W66PPW
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Temporal Keywords
19th Century
20th Century
Archaeology of Rubbish
Record Identifiers
TDAR ID(s): 7361
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