US Army National Guard Cultural Resources Planning Level Survey - Oregon


In January 1998, St. Louis District personnel visited the Oregon Army National Guard (ORARNG) Headquarters and the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office in Salem to research archaeological and historic building survey work conducted on National Guard facilities in the state. This document reports the history of cultural investigations on federally owned or federally supported ORARNG facilities, lists archaeological sites and historic buildings recorded within facility boundaries, discusses historic contexts and predictive models, and provides a list of Native American tribes that may be potentially culturally affiliated to archaeological collections recovered from ORARNG facilities. To date, 662 cultural properties, including prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, isolated artifact finds, and historic buildings, have been recorded on Camp Adair, Camp Rilea, Camp Withycombe, and Redmond Training Area/Central Oregon Training Site. Four-hundred and ninety-eight sites and buildings have been identified on Redmond Training Area/Central Oregon Training Site. Three historic/prehistoric and seven prehistoric archaeological sites have been recorded on Camp Adair. One prehistoric site and 126 historic properties have been recorded on Camp Rilea (including 12 demolished buildings). One prehistoric/historic archaeological site and 26 historic properties have been recorded on Camp Withycombe. No cultural properties located on ORARNG facilities have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), but 57 properties are eligible for nomination to the NRHP, seven properties have been determined potentially eligible, no determinations have been made for 34 properties, and 552 properties have been determined to be not eligible. Twelve historic buildings were determined eligible, but were demolished after consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office. The extent, nature and location of archaeological collections recovered from work conducted on ORARNG facilities will be determined in the second phase of this project, to be completed during Fiscal Year 1999.

Cite this Record

US Army National Guard Cultural Resources Planning Level Survey - Oregon. Cathy A. Van Arsdale, Michael K. Trimble, Christopher B. Pulliam. St. Louis, MO: US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. 2000 ( tDAR id: 413725) ; doi:10.6067/XCV84B33GJ


Site Name
06-009 (Temp. No.) 06-022 (Temp. No.) 06-055 (Temp. No.) 06-056 (Temp. No.) 06-078 (Temp. No.) 06ISO005 (Temp. No.) 06ISO013 (Temp. No.) 06ISO014 (Temp. No.) 06ISO022 (Temp. No.) 06ISO023 (Temp. No.) 06ISO024 (Temp. No.) 06ISO025 (Temp. No.) 06ISO026 (Temp. No.) 06ISO027 (Temp. No.) 06ISO028 (Temp. No.) 06ISO029 (Temp. No.) 06ISO030 (Temp. No.) 06ISO031 (Temp. No.) 06ISO039 (Temp. No.) 06ISO040 (Temp. No.) 06ISO047 (Temp. No.) 06ISO054 (Temp. No.) 06ISO055 (Temp. No.) 06ISO057 (Temp. No.) 06ISO058 (Temp. No.) 06ISO059 (Temp. No.) 1931 Memorial Stone 35CLT1 35CR946 35CR947 35CR948 35CR949 35CR950 35CR951 35CR952 35CR953 35DS1062 35DS1179 35DS1180 35DS1181 35DS1182 35DS1183 35DS1184 35DS1185 35DS1186 35DS1187 35DS1188 35DS1189 35DS1190 35DS1191 35DS1192 35DS1193 35DS1194 35DS1195 35DS1197 35DS1198 35DS1210 35DS1211 35DS1369 35DS1370 35DS1371 35DS1372 35DS1373 35DS1374 35DS1375 35DS1376 35DS1377 35DS1378 35DS1379 35DS1380 35DS1381 35DS1382 35DS1383 35DS1384 35DS1385 35DS1386 35DS1387 35DS1388 35DS1389 35DS1390 35DS1391 35DS1392 35DS1395 35DS174 35DS175 35DS176 35DS177 35DS178 35DS179 35DS180 35DS181 35DS182 35DS183 35DS184 35DS185 35DS186 35DS187 35DS188 35DS189 35DS190 35DS191 35DS192 35DS559 35DS866 35DS982 35DS983 35DS984 Building 6105 Building 6110 Building 6112 Building 6115 Building 6200 Building 6206 Building 6208 Building 6215 Building 6218 Building 6220 Building 6222 Building 6224 Building 6305 Building 6308 Building 6310 Building 6400 Building 6405 Building 6410 Building 6425 Building 6500 Building 6505 Building 6525 Building 7010 Building 7216 Building 7218 Building 7220 Building 7221 Building 7222 Building 7225 Building 7226 Building 7233 Building 7234 Building 7235 Building 7236 Building 7237 Building 7238 Building 7239 Building 7251 Building 7252 Building 7301 Building 7302 Building 7303 Building 7304-7312 Building 7313 Building 7314 Building 7323 Building 7324-7331 Building 7333 Building 7339 Building 7347 Building 7348 Building 7354 Building 7355 Building 7356 Building 7358 Building 7360 Building 7401 Building 7405 Buildings 7012 Buildings 7013 Buildings 7014 Buildings 7015 Buildings 7029 Buildings 7030 Buildings 7031 Buildings 7032 Buildings 7034 Buildings 7035 Buildings 7036 Buildings 7037 Buildings 7038 Buildings 7039 Buildings 7201-7207 Buildings 7209-7210 Buildings 7212-7213 Buildings 7223-7224 Buildings 7227-7228 Buildings 7230-7231 Buildings 7241-7249 Buildings 7316-7322 Buildings 7334-7338 Buildings 7340-7346 Buildings 7349-7353 Buildings 7402-7404 Buildings 7406-7408 Cast Iron Lamp Posts Concrete/Pebble Stairways Entry Gate Flag Pole Base IF #1 IF-1 through IF-135 IF-1 through IF-86 IF-H1 through IF-H14 IF-H1 through IF-H9 Landscape Features and Gateposts of 7251/7252 OR-05-2145 OR-05-2146 OR-05-2147 OR-05-2148 OR-05-510 (IF) OR-05-511 (H) OR-05-512 (IF) OR-05-513 (IF) OR-05-514 (IF) OR-05-515 (IF) OR-05-516 (H) OR-05-517 (IF) OR-05-546 (IF) OR-05-547 (IF) OR-05-857 (IF) OR-05-858 (IF) OR-05-859 (IF) OR-05-860 (IF) OR-05-861 (IF) OR-05-862 (IF) OR-05-863 (IF) OR-05-864 (IF) OR-05-865 (H) OR-05-866 (H) OR-05-979 (IF) OR-05-980 (IF) OR-05-981 (IF) OR-05-982 (IF) OR-CL-10 & isolate Parade Ground R13H R1H R26H R29H through R35H R38H R40H R42H through R51H R54H R55H R6H R7H Site #1 Site #10 Site #2 Site #3 Site #4 Site #5 Site #6 Site #7 Site #8 Site #9 Water Fountains WWI Memorial Show More

Investigation Types
Architectural Survey Collections Research Heritage Management

Spatial Coverage

min long: -124.651; min lat: 41.919 ; max long: -116.796; max lat: 46.271 ;

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
OR-Plan-Lvl-Survey.pdf 530.58kb Sep 6, 2016 4:00:54 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District