Kostená industrie k vhloubené výzdobe neolitické keramiky

Author(s): Jaromír Kovárník

Year: 1982


(bone tools and making of potteries)

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Kostená industrie k vhloubené výzdobe neolitické keramiky. Jaromír Kovárník. SPFFBU - SBORNÍK PRACÍ FILOSOFICKÉ FAKULTY BRNĚNSKÉ UNIVERSITY/ FACULTY OF ARTS BULLETIN. E.31: 274-275. 1982 ( tDAR id: 415709)

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Bone Ceramic Tools

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Contact(s): EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection Manager

Record Identifiers

ExArc Id(s): 1962


Rights & Attribution: The information in this record was originally compiled by Dr. Roeland Paardekooper, EXARC Director.