Preservation Brief 1, Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Masonry Buildings

Author(s): Robert C. Mack; Anne E. Grimmer

Year: 2000


This is number one of 42 preservation briefs prepared by the Technical Preservation Services of the National Park Service. This brief focuses on the cleaning and ware-repellent treatments for historic masonry buildings.

A well-planned cleaning project is an essential step in preserving, rehabilitating or restoring a historic masonry building. Proper cleaning methods and coating treatments, when determined necessary for the preservation of the masonry, can enhance the aesthetic character as well as the structural stability of a historic building. Removing years of accumulated dirt, pollutant crusts, stains, graffiti or paint, if done with appropriate caution, can extend the life and longevity of the historic resource. Cleaning that is carelessly or insensitively prescribed or carried out by inexperienced workers can have the opposite of the intended effect. It may scar the masonry permanently, and may actually result in hastening deterioration by introducing harmful residual chemicals and salts into the masonry or causing surface loss. Using the wrong cleaning method or using the right method incorrectly, applying the wrong kind of coating or applying a coating that is not needed can result in serious damage, both physically and aesthetically, to a historic masonry building. Cleaning a historic masonry building should always be done using the gentlest means possible that will clean, but not damage the building. It should always be taken into consideration before applying a water-repellent coating or a waterproof coating to a historic masonry building whether it is really necessary and whether it is in the best interest of preserving the building.

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Preservation Brief 1, Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Masonry Buildings. Robert C. Mack, Anne E. Grimmer. 2000 ( tDAR id: 436309) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8436309

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