Preservation Brief 32, Making Historic Properties Accessible

Author(s): Thomas C. Jester; Sharon C. Park

Year: 2004


This is number thirty-two of 42 preservation briefs prepared by the Technical Preservation Services of the National Park Service. This brief focuses on making historic properties accessible.

This Preservation Brief introduces the complex issue of providing accessibility at historic properties, and underscores the need to balance accessibility and historic preservation. It provides guidance on making historic properties accessible while preserving their historic character; the Brief also provides examples to show that independent physical accessibility at historic properties can be achieved with careful planning, consultation, and sensitive design. While the Brief focuses primarily on making buildings and their sites accessible, it also includes a section on historic landscapes. The Brief will assist historic property owners, design professionals, and administrators in evaluating their historic properties so that the highest level of accessibility can be provided while minimizing changes to historic materials and features. Because many projects encompassing accessibility work are complex, it is advisable to consult with experts in the fields of historic preservation and accessibility before proceeding with permanent physical changes to historic properties.

Cite this Record

Preservation Brief 32, Making Historic Properties Accessible. Thomas C. Jester, Sharon C. Park. 2004 ( tDAR id: 436367) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8436367

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