Preservation Brief 38, Removing Graffiti from Historic Masonry

Author(s): Martin E. Weaver

Year: 2004


This is number thirty-eight of 42 preservation briefs prepared by the Technical Preservation Services of the National Park Service. This brief focuses on removing graffiti from historic masonry.

Removing graffiti as soon as it appears is the key to its elimination--and recurrence. Thus, the intent of this Preservation Brief is to help owners and managers of historic masonry structures find the best way to remove exterior, surface-applied graffiti* quickly, effectively, and safely. The Brief will discuss the variety of materials used to apply graffiti, and offer guidance on how to remove graffiti from all types of historic masonry without harming either the surface or the substrate. Suggestions will also be given regarding the use of physical barriers to protect masonry surfaces from graffiti, and the application of barrier coatings to facilitate graffiti removal. Building managers and owners of historic properties will be advised on the importance of being prepared for rapid graffiti removal by testing different cleaning techniques in advance in order to select the most appropriate and sensitive cleaning technique. Health and safety and environmental concerns are addressed, as well as regulatory matters. Removing graffiti without causing damage to historic masonry is a job for trained maintenance crews, and in some cases, professional conservators, and generally should not be attempted by untrained workers, property owners or building managers. Although the focus of this Preservation Brief is on historic masonry, the same guidance may be applied equally to removing graffiti from non-historic masonry.

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Preservation Brief 38, Removing Graffiti from Historic Masonry. Martin E. Weaver. 2004 ( tDAR id: 436374) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8436374

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