Technical Report

Part of the Tlajinga, Teotihuacan, Mexico project

Year: 2012


Technical report from 2012 season

Cite this Record

Technical Report. 2012 ( tDAR id: 440551) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8028VBH

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 100 to 600 (Approximate range of primary Classic period occupation.)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -98.876; min lat: 19.656 ; max long: -98.83; max lat: 19.684 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Project Director(s): Barbal Luis; Carballo David


Rights & Attribution: Please cite project technical report using following reference information: Carballo, David M., and Luis Barba (eds.) 2012 Proyecto Arqueológico Tlajinga, Teotihuacan: Temporada 2012. Manuscript on file at the Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, Mexico City.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
PATT2012_Informe.pdf 6.62mb Jan 19, 2018 12:46:59 PM Public