Yes, Us Too: Sexual Harassment and Assault in Historical Archaeology and What Can Be Done About It
Author(s): Erin Whitson
Year: 2019
This is an abstract from the "Yes, Us Too: Sexual Harassment and Assault in Historical Archaeology and What Can Be Done About It" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.
The #MeToo movement that began in 2017, had profound impacts on how people across the United States looked at and approached topics such as sexual harassment and abuse. While no one would argue that archaeologists are part of the greater social world at large, little conversation of sexual harassment and abuse in the present has been had in archaeology as a whole. Many women in archaeology--from undergraduates to those who’ve retired--have some experience in dealing with and/or handling these issues. We hope, in this forum, to discuss issues relating to where and how these incidents occur, how they have been handled (or not) in the past, and ways we may address these problem areas in our field in the future. No social change occurs without people willing to push back. It’s time.
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Yes, Us Too: Sexual Harassment and Assault in Historical Archaeology and What Can Be Done About It. Erin Whitson. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, St. Charles, MO. 2019 ( tDAR id: 449010)
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Sexual Assault
sexual harassment
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PaperId(s): 299