Updating the Outdated for Understanding: Creating 3D models for the Smithsonian Chebacco boats.

Author(s): Leland S Crawford

Year: 2020


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement for Heritage Monitoring and Protection" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Chebacco boats have almost no physical representations left. The Smithsonian houses a few of the rare models that were created by people who built and sailed them at the time of their heyday. The only depictions of these models are outdated black-and-white photographs from the 1930s through the 1950s. This paper will discuss the process of creating 3D photogrammetry models and the impact this has on our understanding of a vessel that was pivotal in the shipbuilding tradition of Massachusetts.

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Updating the Outdated for Understanding: Creating 3D models for the Smithsonian Chebacco boats.. Leland S Crawford. 2020 ( tDAR id: 456894)


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Contact(s): Society for Historical Archaeology

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PaperId(s): 680