Cultural Resources Survey of 10,120 Acres within the Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (Draft) Volume I: Main Text

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Author(s): John Montgomery

Year: 1996


This survey of the Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR) was conducted from June through August, 1995. Final field recording of all the cultural resources continued on a part time basis through the spring of 1996. A total of 10,120 acres were surveyed and inventoried with a pedestrian survey.

Cite this Record

Cultural Resources Survey of 10,120 Acres within the Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico (Draft) Volume I: Main Text. John Montgomery. 1996 ( tDAR id: 460827) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8460827

Spatial Coverage

min long: -103.928; min lat: 34.196 ; max long: -103.67; max lat: 34.398 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

Record Identifiers

Contract No.(s): DACA88-96-M-108

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
10120Acre_Survey.pdf 2.65mb Aug 9, 2021 3:34:30 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager