Investigating the Homestead-to-Farmstead Transition and Early-to-Middle Twentieth Century Social Dynamics on Cannon Air Force Base: Recovery Efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, Curry County, New Mexico


This report summarizes the data recovery efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, two historic-aged sites located on Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) in Curry County, New Mexico. This work was performed in advance of the proposed Chavez Manor Military Family Housing undertaking and in response to an unexpected discovery at the Consolidated Communications Facility construction site. Site LA 172689 is a historic homestead and was recommended as eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in May of 2012 under both Criteria A and D. Site LA 173359 consists of two WWII-era latrine trenches and was recommended as NRHP-eligible under Criterion D.

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Investigating the Homestead-to-Farmstead Transition and Early-to-Middle Twentieth Century Social Dynamics on Cannon Air Force Base: Recovery Efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, Curry County, New Mexico. Peter C. Condon, Timothy Graves, Juan Arias, Lillian Ponce, Mel Landreth. 2014 ( tDAR id: 460864) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8460864

Spatial Coverage

min long: -103.928; min lat: 34.196 ; max long: -103.67; max lat: 34.398 ;

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

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Versar/GMI Report No.(s): 822EP

NMCRIS No.(s): 126690

Contract No.(s): W9126G-09-D-0068

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager