ROI010, An Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact


An archaeological survey of Huntington Reservoir was conducted under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology with matching funds supplied by Ball State University. The goals of the project were: to identify the archaeological resources within the Huntington Reservoir area, to determine the impact of the reservoir on those resources, and to initiate the development of a model to predict the distribution of archaeological resources within the project area. The predictive model should be applicable to secondary river valleys located in the Upper Wabash drainage.

The 245 sites recorded during this survey bring the total number of sites known withi the Huntington Reservoir area to 360. Late Paleo-Indian through Late Woodland components were identified, and the heaviest utilization of the area appears to have occurred during the Middle to Late Archaic and the Late Woodland periods.

The impact of Huntington Lake on the archaeological resources of the area include erosion caused by agriculture, and fluctuations in the pool level and artifact hunting. Recommendations were made for testing sites which may still contain deposits that have not been completely disturbed.

A model predicting the distribution of three site types in three environmental zones was formulated. Some testing of predictions generated during this project was carried out, but thorough testing of the model will require additional archaeological reconnaissance.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 010, An Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI010, An Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact. William R. Wepler, Donald R. Cochran. 1983 ( tDAR id: 463926) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463926

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections



Archaic Early Archaic Early Woodland Historic Late Archaic Late Woodland Middle Archaic Middle Woodland PaleoIndian Unidentified Prehistoric

Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Glass Ground Stone Shell

Site Name
12HU17 12HU483 12HU484 12HU485 12HU486 12HU487 12HU488 12HU489 12HU490 12HU491 12HU492 12HU493 12HU494 12HU495 12HU496 12HU497 12HU498 12HU499 12HU500 12HU501 12HU502 12HU503 12HU504 12HU505 12HU506 12HU507 12HU508 12HU509 12HU510 12HU511 12HU512 12HU513 12HU514 12HU515 12HU516 12HU517 12HU518 12HU519 12HU520 12HU521 12HU522 12HU523 12HU524 12HU525 12HU526 12HU527 12HU528 12HU529 12HU530 12Hu531 12Hu532 12HU533 12HU534 12HU535 12HU536 12HU537 12HU538 12HU539 12HU540 12HU541 12HU542 12HU543 12HU544 12HU545 12HU546 12HU547 12HU548 12HU549 12HU550 12HU551 12HU552 12HU553 12HU554 12HU555 12HU556 12HU557 12HU558 12HU559 12HU560 12HU561 12HU562 12HU563 12HU564 12HU565 12HU566 12HU567 12HU568 12HU569 12HU571 12HU572 12HU573 12HU574 12HU575 12HU576 12HU577 12HU578 12HU579 12HU580 12HU581 12HU582 12HU583 12Hu584 12HU585 12HU586 12HU587 12HU588 12HU589 12HU590 12HU591 12HU592 12HU593 12HU594 12HU595 12HU596 12HU597 12HU598 12HU599 12HU600 12HU601 12HU602 12HU603 12HU604 12HU606 12HU607 12HU608 12HU609 12HU610 12HU611 12HU612 12HU613 12HU614 12HU615 12HU616 12HU617 12HU618 12HU619 12HU621 12HU622 12HU623 12HU624 12HU625 12HU626 12HU627 12HU628 12HU629 12HU630 12HU631 12HU632 12HU633 12HU634 12HU635 12HU636 12HU637 12HU638 12HU639 12HU64 12HU640 12HU641 12HU642 12HU643 12HU644 12HU645 12HU646 12HU647 12HU648 12HU649 12HU650 12HU651 12HU652 12HU653 12HU654 12HU655 12HU656 12HU657 12HU658 12HU659 12HU660 12HU662 12HU663 12HU665 12HU666 12HU667 12HU668 12HU669 12HU670 12HU671 12HU672 12HU673 12HU674 12HU676 12HU679 12HU680 12HU681 12HU682 12HU683 12HU684 12HU685 12HU686 12HU687 12HU690 12HU691 12HU692 12HU693 12HU694 12HU695 12HU696 12HU697 12HU698 12HU700 12HU701 12HU702 12HU703 12HU704 12HU705 12HU706 12HU707 12HU708 12HU709 12HU710 12HU711 12HU712 12HU713 12HU716 12HU717 12HU718 12HU719 12HU720 12HU721 12HU722 12HU723 12HU724 12HU725 12HU726 12HU727 12HU728 12HU729 12HU730 12HU731 12HU732 12HU733 12HU734 12HU735 12HU736 12HU737 12HU738 12HU739 12HU740 12HU741 12HU742 12HU743 12HU744 12HU745 12HU746 12HU747 12HU748 12HU749 Show More

Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.639; min lat: 40.654 ; max long: -85.336; max lat: 41.004 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 010


General Note: ROI010 Additional Sites: 12Hu750, 12Hu751, 12Hu752, 12Hu753, 12Hu754, 12Hu755, 12Hu756, 12Hu757, 12Hu758, 12Hu759, 12Hu760, 12Hu761, 12Hu762, 12Hu763, 12Hu764, 12Hu765, 12Hu766, 12Hu767, 12Hu768, 12Hu769, 12Hu770, 12Hu772, 12Hu774, 12Hu775, 12Hu776, 12Hu777, 12Hu778, 12Hu779, 12Hu780, 12Hu781, 12Hu782, 12Hu783, 12Hu784, 12Hu785, 12Hu786, 12Hu787, 12Hu788, 12We46, 12We47, 12We48, 12We49, 12We50, 12We51, 12We52, 12We53, 12We54, 12We55, 12We56, 12We57, 12We58, 12We59, 12We60, 12We61, 12We62, 12We63, 12We64, 12We65, 12We66, 12We67, 12We68, 12We69, 12We70, 12We71, 12We72, 12We73, 12We74, 12We75, 12We76, 12We77, 12We78, 12We79, 12We80, 12We81, 12We82, 12We83, 12We84, 12We85, 12We86, 12We87, 12We88, 12We105, 12We106, 12We107, 12We108, 12We110, 12We111, 12We113, 12We114, 12We115, 12We116, 12We117, 12We118, 12We119.

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ROI010-PDFA.pdf 81.46mb Jul 10, 2024 5:33:55 AM Confidential
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