ROI030, Archaeological Intensive Assessment Relocation of U.S. Highway 24 IDOT Project F-146-0( ); Wabash/Huntington Counties, Indiana


During the spring and summer of 1989 ARMS conducted a reconnaissance level survey of IDOT Project F-146-0, the proposed relocation of U.S. Highway 24 located in portions of Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana. This field reconnaissance located 157 archaeological sites, 18 of which were recommended for testing. In addition to the 18 sites recommended for testing, the Silver Creek floodplain was recommended for subsurface reconnaissance. Testing of the 18 sites and the subsurface reconnaissance of Silver Creek was initiated in March of 1990 and completed in December of 1990. Of the 18 sites tested, two (12-Hu-396 and 12-Hu-935) have been determined to be eligible for nomination to the State and National Registers of Historic Places and avoidance or mitigation has been recommended. Additionally, the western side of the Silver Creek floodplain (12-Hu-943) has been recommended for testing. Subsequent to the completion of the testing of the 18 sites, select areas of project right-of-way were expanded. One of these areas lies directly north and adjacent to 12-Hu-396 and it has been recommended that this area undergo archaeological testing.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 030, Archaeological Intensive Assessment Relocation of U.S. Highway 24 IDOT Project F-146-0( ); Wabash/Huntington Counties, Indiana, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI030, Archaeological Intensive Assessment Relocation of U.S. Highway 24 IDOT Project F-146-0( ); Wabash/Huntington Counties, Indiana. Mitch Zoll, Donald R. Cochran, Beth Cree. 1991 ( tDAR id: 463947) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463947

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.945; min lat: 40.653 ; max long: -85.333; max lat: 41.006 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 030

IDOT Project #(s): F-146-0( )

File Information

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ROI030-PDF---OCR-Marked_Redacted.pdf 55.44mb Aug 21, 2024 12:39:52 PM Public
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