ROI058, A Survey of Collections: An Archaeological Evaluation of Eight Earthworks in Eastern Indiana


The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a FY99 Historic Preservation Fund Grant to evaluate the collections from eight mound and earthworks sites in eastern Indiana. The project reviewed excavation documents and photographs and reanalyzed the artifacts. The original site interpretations were scrutinized and tested. The project also obtained new radiocarbon dates for five of the sites. The site information for the Parkinson Mound, Mound Camp, Fudge, Law Mound, Hayes Arboretum Mound, Waterworks Mound, Bertsch and Wolford Mound was integrated and presented in a cohesive format. Limited test excavations were recommended for seven of the sites to further determine integrity and document constructional information. The Law Mound, Fudge and Bertsch sites appeared to still contain integrity and important information on the ceremonial lifeways of the Early and Middle Woodland period. They were recommended for nomination to the State and National Registers of Historic Places. The information gathered by this project was significant for the advancement of Adena and Hopewell studies in eastern Indiana and the Ohio Valley.

Cite this Record

ROI058, A Survey of Collections: An Archaeological Evaluation of Eight Earthworks in Eastern Indiana. Beth K. McCord, Donald R. Cochran. 2000 ( tDAR id: 463997) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463997

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.532; min lat: 39.343 ; max long: -84.82; max lat: 40.276 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 058

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