ROI060, Test Excavations at the Celina Shelter, 12-Pe-1023, Perry County, Indiana


Testing of the Celina Shelter (12-Pe-1023) revealed that the site has been partially buried by a colluvial fan. Approximately 10% of the site area was tested through the excavation of four test units that included both 1 x 1 m squares and 1 x 2 m squares. The maximum depth reached was 1.75 m and excavations were stopped by a massive layer of breakdown. An attempt to break through the breakdown was stopped by the size of the sandstone blocks that were present. The majority of the artifacts were the by products of chipped stone tool manufacture and most of the chipped stone debris was made from Wyandotte chert. Other cherts available in a 20 km radius of the site were present, although it was suggested that the different raw materials were indicative of the subsistence and settlement systems that were in operation in the region. Diagnostic chipped stone artifacts appear to range in age from the Early Archaic through the Late Archaic. Woodland period ceramics were also present in the site. The only feature recorded was a large surface piece of breakdown with two bedrock mortars. No radiocarbon dates were obtained and little organic material was recovered. Given the range in age and depth of the deposits, and the fact that the site has not been disturbed by pothunting or other historic activities, the site was considered significant and potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Cite this Record

ROI060, Test Excavations at the Celina Shelter, 12-Pe-1023, Perry County, Indiana. Kimberly Nagle, Donald R. Cochran. 2001 ( tDAR id: 463999) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463999

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Investigation Types
Site Evaluation / Testing Systematic Survey

Geographic Keywords
Indiana Perry County

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.786; min lat: 37.844 ; max long: -86.425; max lat: 38.244 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 060

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