ROI064, An Archaeological Survey of the Taylor Property at the Strawtown Prairie, Hamilton County, Indiana


The Archaeological Resources Management Service conducted a FY2002 Historical Preservation Fund Grant to survey the portion of the Taylor property owned by Hamilton County Parks and Recreation located south of the Strawtown-Cicero Pike. The survey documented 89 new archaeological sites and recovered over 3000 artifacts. In addition, two sites were intensively investigated to recovery additional information and augers were excavated in the flood plain portion of the project area to sample buried deposits. The data acquired during the survey showed that the Taylor property was occupied by prehistoric peoples from at least 8,000 B.C. through the Historic period, with a regionally unique presence of Middle Woodland peoples of about 2,000 years ago. The survey data also showed that the Strawtown area was a boundary region for aboriginal peoples throughout its occupational history. Data recovered from the augers showed that archaeological deposits are buried in the flood plain portion of the property. Overall, the project demonstrated that the Taylor property contains numerous and unique archaeological deposits with the potential to address many regional research problems of considerable importance both locally and within the broader region of the Midwest. There can no longer be any doubt that the Taylor property contains many archaeological sites that are most likely eligible for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places.

Cite this Record

ROI064, An Archaeological Survey of the Taylor Property at the Strawtown Prairie, Hamilton County, Indiana. Beth K. McCord, Donald R. Cochran. 2003 ( tDAR id: 464008) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8464008

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Site Type
Artifact Scatter House Isolated Artifact

Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey Systematic Survey

Geographic Keywords
Hamilton County Indiana

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.242; min lat: 39.926 ; max long: -85.863; max lat: 40.218 ;

Record Identifiers

DHPA Permit #(s): 200226

Reports of Investigation(s): 064

File Information

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ROI064-PDF-OCR.pdf 153.74mb Aug 8, 2024 12:26:05 PM Confidential
ROI064-PDF-OCR-Marked_Redacted.pdf 137.15mb Aug 8, 2024 12:26:04 PM Public