ROI082, Distributional Analysis of Archaeological Remains in the Upper White River Basin: An Archaeological Survey of Hamilton County, Indiana


The Applied Archaeology Laboratories (AAL) of Ball State University conducted an archaeological reconnaissance project for archaeological materials in Hamilton County, Indiana, for an FY2012 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-12-41921-4). This Historic Preservation Fund grant project investigated the archaeological resources of Hamilton County, Indiana. This specific project focused on the White River and its associated tributaries, as well as the southern half of the county. Approximately 565 acres (228.55 ha) of agricultural land underwent pedestrian survey, uncovering 230 new archaeological sites and 1625 artifacts. Over 157 acres (63.54 ha) underwent soil phosphate survey, revealing multiple possible prehistoric agricultural fields or gardens. The project recovered 1154 prehistoric artifacts and 471 historic artifacts from 9 different parcels of land within Hamilton County. Multiple cultural periods are represented in the artifact assemblage, including diagnostics of the Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, Late Woodland, and Historic periods. The average site density recorded for the project was one archaeological site per 2.46 acres (0.41 sites/acre). The average artifact density was one artifact per 0.34 acres (2.9 artifacts/acre). A total of 13 sites are recommended as potentially eligible for Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures or the National Register of Historic Places

Cite this Record

ROI082, Distributional Analysis of Archaeological Remains in the Upper White River Basin: An Archaeological Survey of Hamilton County, Indiana. Matthew R. Swihart, Kevin C. Nolan. 2013 ( tDAR id: 465677) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8465677

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections



Early Woodland Historic Late Archaic Late Woodland Middle Archaic Middle Woodland Mississippian Terminal Middle Woodland Unidentified Prehistoric Upper Mississippian Woodland

Site Name
12H1391 12H1392 12H1393 12H1394 12H1395 12H1396 12H1397 12H1398 12H1399 12H1400 12H1401 12H1402 12H1403 12H1404 12H1405 12H1406 12H1407 12H1408 12H1409 12H1410 12H1411 12H1412 12H1413 12H1414 12H1415 12H1416 12H1417 12H1418 12H1419 12H1420 12H1421 12H1422 12H1423 12H1424 12H1425 12H1426 12H1427 12H1428 12H1429 12H1430 12H1431 12H1432 12H1433 12H1434 12H1435 12H1436 12H1437 12H1438 12H1439 12H1440 12H1442 12H1443 12H1444 12H1445 12H1446 12H1447 12H1448 12H1449 12H1450 12H1451 12H1452 12H1453 12H1454 12H1455 12H1456 12H1457 12H1458 12H1459 12H1460 12H1461 12H1462 12H1463 12H1464 12H1465 12H1466 12H1467 12H1468 12H1470 12H1471 12H1472 12H1473 12H1474 12H1475 12H1476 12H1477 12H1478 12H1479 12H1480 12H1481 12H1482 12H1484 12H1485 12H1486 12H1487 12H1488 12H1489 12H1490 12H1492 12H1493 12H1494 12H1496 12H1497 12H1498 12H1499 12H1500 12H1501 12H1502 12H1503 12H1504 12H1505 12H1506 12H1507 12H1508 12H1509 12H1510 12H1511 12H1513 12H1514 12H1515 12H1516 12H1517 12H1518 12H1519 12H1520 12H1521 12H1522 12H1523 12H1524 12H1525 12H1526 12H1527 12H1528 12H1529 12H1530 12H1531 12H1532 12H1533 12H1534 12H1535 12H1536 12H1537 12H1538 12H1539 12H1540 12H1541 12H1542 12H1543 12H1545 12H1546 12H1547 12H1548 12H1549 12H1550 12H1551 12H1552 12H1553 12H1554 12H1555 12H1558 12H1559 12H1560 12H1562 12H1563 12H1564 12H1565 12H1566 12H1567 12H1568 12H1569 12H1570 12H1571 12H1572 12H1573 12H1574 12H1575 12H1576 12H1577 12H1578 12H1579 12H1580 12H1582 12H1583 12H1584 12H1585 12H1586 12H1587 12H1588 12H1589 12H1590 12H1591 12H1594 12H1595 12H1596 12H1597 12H1598 12H1599 12H1600 12H1601 12H1602 12H1603 12H1605 12H1606 12H1607 12H1608 12H1611 12H1612 12H1613 12H1614 12H1615 12H1616 12H1617 12H1618 12H1620 12H1622 12H1625 12H1627 12H1628 12H1629 12H1630 12H1631 12H1632 12H1633 12H1634 12H1635 12H1636 12H1637 12H1638 12H1639 12H1640 12H1641 12H1643 12H1644 12H1645 12H1646 12H1647 Show More

Site Type
Artifact Scatter Encampment Isolated Artifact

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.238; min lat: 39.93 ; max long: -85.863; max lat: 40.219 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 082

Grant #(s): 18-12-41921-4

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
ROI082-PDF.pdf 3.46mb Aug 9, 2024 5:28:14 AM Confidential
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