7. CAS.2021.120_TAC Permit 8723_Pollen Log.pdf


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7. CAS.2021.120_TAC Permit 8723_Pollen Log.pdf. 2021 ( tDAR id: 466357) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8466357

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

None: 2000 to 2500 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 5000 to 5500 (Cal BP per OSL Dates)

None: 7000 to 7500 (Cal BP per OSL Dates)

None: 11000 to 11500 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 7500 to 8000 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 6000 to 6500 (Cal BP per C-14 Dates)

None: 3500 to 4000 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 12000 to 12500 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 9000 to 9500 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 10500 to 11000 (Cal BP per OSL Dates)

None: 12500 to 13000 (Cal BP per OSL Date)

None: 1500 to 2000 (Cal BP per C-14 and OSL Dates)

None: 4500 to 5000 (Cal BP per OSL Dates)

None: 5500 to 6000 (Cal BP per C-14 and OSL Dates)

Record Identifiers

TxDOT CSJ#(s): 1753-01-017

TAC Permit#(s): 8723

CAS Accn#(s): CAS.2021.120

SWCA Project#(s): 51755


General Note: The 41MS78 data recovery digital records organization is presented in the A. Summary of Materials Submitted word file within the I. CAS Curation Forms and Project Documents collection within the project.

General Note: The 41MS78 data recovery analytical units and cultural components are discussed in the final report.

Source Collections

The 41MS78 - The Llano Crossing Site archaeological collection and records will be placed in the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas a certified permanent curatorial repository in the state of Texas.

Related Comparative Collections

41MS69 - The Slippery Slope Site is immediately adjacent.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
7.-CAS.2021.120_TAC-Permit-8723_Pollen-Log.pdf 568.34kb Mar 31, 2021 Nov 2, 2021 8:17:02 AM Public
41MS78 Data Recovery Pollen Log