Cultural Resource Survey and NRHP Eligibility Assessment of a 19.1-Mile-Long Proposed Fence Line on Newly Acquired New Mexico State Trust Lands, Melrose Air Force Range in Roosevelt County, New Mexico


In phase I of this two-phase study, archaeologists from Versar Inc. performed an intensive cultural resources survey of of a 19.91-mile-long (34.04-km-long) fence line corridor along the newly formed western boundary of MAFR, between February 5 and February 19 of 2015. The second phase evaluated the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of 10 sites identified during the survey, only three of which (LA 181597, LA 181599, and LA 181600) were recommended eligible for inclusion into the NRHP. These three eligible sites contain homestead/ranching related features, good contextual integrity, and the ability to yield significant data towards the regional history.

Cite this Record

Cultural Resource Survey and NRHP Eligibility Assessment of a 19.1-Mile-Long Proposed Fence Line on Newly Acquired New Mexico State Trust Lands, Melrose Air Force Range in Roosevelt County, New Mexico. Timothy B. Graves, Antonio De Cunzo, Peter C. Condon. 2015 ( tDAR id: 468079) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8468079

Spatial Coverage

min long: -103.928; min lat: 34.196 ; max long: -103.67; max lat: 34.398 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

Submitted To(s): Cannon Air Force Base

Record Identifiers

AETC Contract No.(s): FA3002-07-D-0014

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19.1mile_Graves_et_al_2019.pdf 19.07mb Jan 21, 2022 11:00:33 AM Confidential
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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager