Report of a Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of 388 Acres on Cannon Air Force Base, Curry County, New Mexico

Author(s): W. Nicholas Trierweiler

Year: 1988


This document reports the methods, findings and conclusions of a Class III cultural resource inventory conducted on Cannon Air Force Base as part of an effort to develop a cultural resource management plan for the base. No adverse impacts are anticipated in the near future for any of the surveyed areas. Six noncontiguous parcels of land, totaling 388 acres were examined by professional archaeologists using straight transect, pedestrian survey methods. A total of three archaeological sites and four isolated occurrences were recorded. No subsurface testing was conducted. None of the cultural manifestations are judged to be significant, and none are considered eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Cite this Record

Report of a Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of 388 Acres on Cannon Air Force Base, Curry County, New Mexico. W. Nicholas Trierweiler. 1988 ( tDAR id: 468946) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8468946

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