A Cultural Resource Inventory of 8.9 Acres Near the Main Post Gate, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry County, New Mexico

Author(s): Mark Sale

Year: 2012


On May 4 of 2012, Geo-Marine Inc., (GMI) conducted an inventory survey of 8.9 acres of federal property near the gate/entrance to the Chavez Manor Military Housing Area. The survey was conducted under New Mexico Cultural Resource System (NMCRIS) Activity Number 123928 and a query of existing records at that facility was conducted prior to fieldwork. This records search was undertaken to determine whether cultural resources had been previously reported within or near the current study area.

One historic site was located and its surface manifestations were thoroughly documented during the investigation. Designated LA 172689, this cultural property is suspected to contain subsurface deposits including a semi-subterranean domicile and may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Properties (NRHP). If this property cannot be avoided during earth disturbing activities associated with the current undertaking, then test excavations and archival research are recommended to provide additional information considered necessary for a more comprehensive evaluation of significance and NRHP eligibility.

Cite this Record

A Cultural Resource Inventory of 8.9 Acres Near the Main Post Gate, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry County, New Mexico. Mark Sale. 2012 ( tDAR id: 468949) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8468949

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