X-ray Fluorescence and Conservation: It's Elementary
Author(s): Paul G Cochran
Year: 2022
This is an abstract from the session entitled "Current Research at Texas A&M University's Conservation Research Laboratory" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.
At the Texas A&M Conservation Research Laboratory, we pride ourselves on the breadth and quality of our research capabilities. Among these capabilities, x-ray fluorescence allows us to study the elemental composition of objects under our care. We use this tool to accomplish a number of goals, such as determining alloy compositions to guide conservation plans. X-ray fluorescence of objects from marine sites does provide some challenges, however; notably, deposition of calcium and strontium can obscure data and must be removed for accurate results.
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X-ray Fluorescence and Conservation: It's Elementary. Paul G Cochran. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Philadelphia, PA. 2022 ( tDAR id: 469363)
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