Bought or Caught? Foodways Choices at 18AP39 in Annapolis, Maryland


This is a poster submission presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

In 2021, AECOM conducted excavations near the historic Annapolis waterfront at a site occupied since the late 1700s. The shallow water table at the site resulted in a high level of preservation of organic materials, including ethnobotanical and faunal remains. As with any domestic occupation, there are important questions that can be posed, but not always answered, about what the residents of a site ate and what guided the choices they made about what they ate. The residents of the site had easy access to formal markets in downtown Annapolis as well as water-based resources in adjacent Spa Creek, and the food remains from the site reflect this. The more difficult proposition is if we can discern the reasons behind the food choices.

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Bought or Caught? Foodways Choices at 18AP39 in Annapolis, Maryland. Heather K Crowl, Maire-Lorraine Pipes, Alexandra Crowder, Scott Seibel. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Philadelphia, PA. 2022 ( tDAR id: 469612)

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