Architectural Survey and Evaluation, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado

Author(s): Texas State University; Debra A. McClane

Year: 2019


On behalf of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Peterson Section, and the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station Cultural Resources Management Program, the Texas State University Integrated Natural and Cultural Resources Team and its subcontractor, Debra A. McClane, Architectural Historian, completed inventory and evaluation of buildings, structures, and other elements located on lands that are managed by Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station (CMAFS). The project goal was to inventory and evaluate resources for their potential to meet National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Criteria for Evaluation and NRHP Criteria Considerations. The resources also were assessed for their potential to contribute to the previously identified Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center Historic District (5EP.3499). The study list of facilities included previously documented resources, many of which have become 50 years old since previous assessments.

Cite this Record

Architectural Survey and Evaluation, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado. Texas State University, Debra A. McClane. 2019 ( tDAR id: 470589) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8470589

Spatial Coverage

min long: -104.892; min lat: 38.718 ; max long: -104.806; max lat: 38.761 ;

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Contact(s): Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station CRM Manager

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Contract No.(s): W9128F-16-2-0022

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FINAL_CMAFS-Architectural-Survey-and--Evaluation_2019060all.pdf 329.79mb Sep 30, 2022 2:57:27 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station CRM Manager