LET-369: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) letter to VAFB re Programmatic Agreement for Small ICBM Project

Author(s): Thomas F. King

Year: 1988


This document is a letter from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) to Vandenberg Space Force Base (VAFB) regarding the Programmatic Agreement (PA) for the Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Project. The letter states that the ACHP has signed off on the PA and explains that it must next be submitted to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for signature. It then requests that the signed PA be resubmitted to the ACHP for filing as well as the SHPO. The letter continues with some admonitions regarding the negotiation related to this project and the resulting delays. In order to avoid further delays the ACHP notes that it changed the PA only to the extent necessary to achieve basic legal sufficiency, and specifically have not addressed some residual ambiguities in the document. It specifically lists the two ambiguities as requirements 1 and 2 in the letter. The first requirement seeks specifically for the SHPO and VAFB to discuss Stipulation I.A of the PA and clarify the boundary of the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (SATAD). The second requirement refers to stipulation III.A and is concerned with the development of the historic preservation plan (HPP) for the SATAD that continued during the development of the PA and resulted in changes to the HPP. The letter concludes with several points regarding the consultation with the ACHP and expressed that it did not appreciate that it was not brought into the consultation until very late in the process. The ACHP explains that this led to difficulty in the agreement document into "final form". The ACHP requests that in the future the Air Force initiate consultation early in project planning and involve all relevant parties from the beginning. It ends by stating the ACHP looks forward to future projects that will be reviewed in a more orderly fashion, and less crisis-filled, manner.

Cite this Record

LET-369: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) letter to VAFB re Programmatic Agreement for Small ICBM Project. Thomas F. King. 1988 ( tDAR id: 472307) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8472307

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Project ID(s): 1987-0001

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