Shoreline Erosion and Freshwater Inundation - Cultural Resources Study

Author(s): Amira Ainis

Year: 2020


A white paper addressing the potential effects of shoreline erosion and freshwater inundation on archaeological sites.

This literature summary includes a comprehensive recounting of the types of impacts that can be anticipated during the process of raising water levels and raising storage capacity in freshwater reservoirs, a summary of studies that have directly examined the effects of reservoir processes on specific types of archaeological resources, and a synopsis of proposed management strategies for mitigation of adverse effects to cultural resources. These data are garnered from early research on the topic, as well as recent studies and findings, and are used to form an opinion and examine whether proposed changes in water level and duration of retained flood control storage water will affect and/or impact archaeological sites in ways that were not previously considered. This literature summary also compares current understanding of cultural resources management in reservoir contexts to views of impacts from inundation and waves that were in place in the 1980s and early 1990s. Focus is placed on the shoreline fluctuation zone of a reservoir impoundment. This report describes general characteristics and descriptions of all three primary reservoir zones, but places particular focus on Zone 2 (fluctuating shoreline) processes and impacts, including mechanical, biochemical, and human impacts to cultural resources likely to occur in this zone of a reservoir impoundment.

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Shoreline Erosion and Freshwater Inundation - Cultural Resources Study. Amira Ainis. 2020 ( tDAR id: 475250) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8475250

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Contact(s): Daniel Garcia

Prepared By(s): SWCA Environmental Consultants

Submitted To(s): Salt River Project

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SWCA Project No.(s): 49524.05

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Ainis-2020-Shoreline-Erosion-and-Freshwater-Inundation.pdf 786.00kb Apr 11, 2023 8:45:23 AM Confidential

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Contact(s): Daniel Garcia