A Bartmann, Bellarmine, Grey Beard or D’Avla jug? The English and their relationship with the Frechen stoneware jug

Author(s): Nigel Jeffries

Year: 2023


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Bartmann Goes Global - Exploring the Cultural Contexts, Meaning and Use of Bellarmine Jugs Across the Globe", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

The English seemingly had a distinct and unique relationship as consumers of the Frechen stoneware during the early modern period. The widespread trade and use of the vessels centred on London, the Eastern and South-east regions of England in particular led to their representation in contemporary plays and texts and it is here they became labelled as Bellarmines, named after the Italian cardinal Roberto Bellarmine with particular anti-Protestant sentiments. It was a term not apparently used outside the British Isles. This paper explores the lexicon of terms applied to the bottles, to the dynamics trade, and introduces evidence of their use from various sites in England, including their re-use as ‘witch bottles’ in England.

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A Bartmann, Bellarmine, Grey Beard or D’Avla jug? The English and their relationship with the Frechen stoneware jug. Nigel Jeffries. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Lisbon, Portugal. 2023 ( tDAR id: 476039)


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Contact(s): Nicole Haddow