Application of Photogrammetry to the Study of the Wreck of the Anémone
Author(s): Pierre Drap
Year: 2023
This is an abstract from the session entitled "Anémone Project Les Saintes (Guadeloupe) : Result of the first multi-year underwater archaeological excavation in the French West Indies 2015-2019", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.
It is no longer necessary to mention that photogrammetry remains an inescapable means for underwater archaeology of shipwreck. The use of photogrammetry on the wreck of the Anémone has allowed us to follow the evolution of the excavation throughout the three years of excavation. It has been possible to record a large amount of information, not all of which has been used yet, and to observe a single digital model that represents the three years of excavation. This is more than a digital twin, it is an augmented reality. Various 2D or 3D representations have been made, from large-scale ortho mosaics, very high resolution 3D models (2 points per millimeter) viewed on the web to interactive models, viewed on virtual reality devices (Oculus Quest2, HTC vive). A semantization of the 3D models is in progress and already partially visualizable on the web versions (
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Application of Photogrammetry to the Study of the Wreck of the Anémone. Pierre Drap. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Lisbon, Portugal. 2023 ( tDAR id: 476185)
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