Cultural Resources Survey of Eight Boring/Test Well Sites for the Superstition Vistas Drilling Program on State Trust Land, Pinal County, Arizona

Author(s): Connie Darby

Year: 2015


This report presents the results of a Class III cultural resources survey of eight locations where boring will be conducted to collect hydrological data and, in some cases, wells will be installed. These borings are part of the Superstition Vistas Drilling Program. The eight boring sites are generally distributed across Arizona State Trust Land between Florence Junction (east) and the Town of Queen Creek (west), Arizona. The survey was requested by Salt River Project (SRP) in conjunction with the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) to determine if significant cultural resources were present within the proposed work areas that might be adversely affected by the activities associated with boring and well construction. This cultural resources work was conducted to comply with the Arizona Antiquities Act of 1960 (AAA), as amended, and the State Historic Preservation Act of 1982.

Cite this Record

Cultural Resources Survey of Eight Boring/Test Well Sites for the Superstition Vistas Drilling Program on State Trust Land, Pinal County, Arizona. Connie Darby. 2015 ( tDAR id: 476364) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8476364

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Contact(s): Daniel Garcia

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Project No.(s): 15-130A

Project Report No.(s): 15-119

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Contact(s): Daniel Garcia