Memorandum for Record on Meeting with Geo-Marine

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Year: 1999


On 19 May 99, Rick Crow and Rick Chandler met with Reagan Giese at the Geo-Marine office in El Paso, Texas. The meeting was held to discuss the Archeological Survey scheduled of the Melrose Air Force Range. It was discovered during the meeting that the survey accomplished in 1981 by Geoscientific Systems was not accepted by the State Historic Preservation Officer. Further investigation is

required to assess the status of the sites on the Impact Area. In the next few weeks, Geo-Marine and Cannon will investigate previous surveys then get together to determine locations for this years survey.

Cite this Record

Memorandum for Record on Meeting with Geo-Marine. 1999 ( tDAR id: 489316) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8489316

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager