SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Proposed Mesquite Grubbing

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Year: 2014


Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR proposed mesquite grubbing on 44 acres. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.

Cite this Record

SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Proposed Mesquite Grubbing. 2014 ( tDAR id: 489322) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8489322

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager

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SW_Mesquite_Grubbing__SHPO_2014.pdf 485.53kb Oct 6, 2023 12:45:13 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager