Final Report on Contract No. F29605-81-C0013 (Class I Overview and Class I Inventory Melrose Bombing Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico)

Part of the Melrose Air Force Range Resources project

Year: 1983


This report presents the results of a survey on Melrose Air Force Range. A total of 34 archaeological/historical resources were recorded within the project area of which 25 were classified as sites and 9 as isolates or artifact clusters. An additional 10 loci were identified as having potential cultural significance but concrete data were not obtainable at the time of the survey.

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Final Report on Contract No. F29605-81-C0013 (Class I Overview and Class I Inventory Melrose Bombing Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico). 1983 ( tDAR id: 489403) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8489403

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Contact(s): Melrose Air Force Range CRM Manager