VAFB-1989-09: Power Control Line Surface Survey: Resynchronization of Substation K

Author(s): Sarah H. Berry

Year: 1989


This documents is a Section 106 report for the archaeological survey of a proposed power control line. The line is to allow resynchronization of standby and commercial power at the "K" substation (Building 676) from a remote power plant (Building 525). Three sections of the line will be buried by trenching. Prior to the surface survey, a records and literature search was conducted. No previously recorded archaeological sites lie within the APE, though CA-SBA-1940 runs adjacent to extant power poles that will be modified. The last section of the project has previously been surveyed. No sites are anticipated to be impacted by this project.

Cite this Record

VAFB-1989-09: Power Control Line Surface Survey: Resynchronization of Substation K. Sarah H. Berry. 1989 ( tDAR id: 490524) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490524

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VAFB-1989-09_PowerControlLineSurfaceSurvey_ResynchronizationSu... 388.03kb Nov 29, 2023 7:07:24 PM Confidential