VAFB-1980-10: RE: Report on the HDR V Project - SBA-1036 Archaeological Mitigation Definition of the Proposed Gatehouse on El Rancho Lateral Road Associated with the MX Project on Vandenberg Air Force Base

Author(s): Pandora Snethkamp; Duncan Ford; Anabel Ford

Year: 1980


This document is a letter report to Steve Craig of Henningson, Durham and Richardson, dated 3 July 1980, that reports the results of subsurface testing at CA-SBA-1036 located along El Rancho Lateral Road on VAFB in support of the environmental review process associated with the MX missile program. The purpose of the subsurface testing program was to define the scope of the mitigation required by providing accurate assessments of the depth of constituents and categories of information present within the construction impact zone. This multi-component site appears to retain integrity and would have adverse effects.

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VAFB-1980-10: RE: Report on the HDR V Project - SBA-1036 Archaeological Mitigation Definition of the Proposed Gatehouse on El Rancho Lateral Road Associated with the MX Project on Vandenberg Air Force Base. Pandora Snethkamp, Duncan Ford, Anabel Ford. 1980 ( tDAR id: 490530) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490530

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich

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VAFB Document Number(s): VAFB-1980-10

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VAFB-1980-10_HDRV_ArchaeoMitigationGatehouseElRanchoRoad.pdf 3.30mb Nov 30, 2023 11:48:30 AM Confidential