VAFB-2000-02: National Register of Historic Places Eligibility and Effects Determination for CA-SBA-740, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California


This document is a report that presents the National Register of Historic Places evaluation and effects determination for a project involving archaeological site CA-SBA-740 on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County, California. This study was performed in support of the installation of a retaining wall along Point Sal Road. Altogether, 15 shovel test pits, 1 column sample, and 4 test excavations units were used to gather data for site evaluation, resulting in a total excavated volume of 7.26 cubic meters. Marine shell (mostly small or immature Mytilus californianus with a higher proportion of Tegula sp. than is typical for the area, indicating subsistence stress at the time of occupation), vertebrate faunal remains (predominantly fish but also bird, rabbit, and medium/large mammal), lithic tools and debitage (representative of expedient tool production), a bone awl, and fire-altered rock were recovered and represent the refuse typical of a residential site.

Radiocarbon analysis indicates the site was occupied twice. The initial occupation at the end of the Middle Period and beginning of the Late Period (A.D. 865-1240) corresponds to a time of extended drought. The second occupation at the end of the Late Period (A.D. 1440-1660) may also contain evidence of subsistence stress related to the introduction of epidemic diseases associated with the arrival of Spanish explorers.

Applied EarthWorks, Inc. found that the project would not cause an adverse effect to the site and recommended the site eligible for the NRHP under 36 CFR 60.4(d) despite impairment of site integrity from the development of Point Sal Road. The report does not present SHPO concurrence with this recommendation.

Cite this Record

VAFB-2000-02: National Register of Historic Places Eligibility and Effects Determination for CA-SBA-740, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Clayton G. Lebow, Jill A. Onken, Carole A. Denardo, Douglas R. Harro, Rebecca L. McKim, Joyce L. Gerber. 2000 ( tDAR id: 490555) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490555

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Temporal Coverage

Radiocarbon Date: 1660 to 1440 (second occupation)

Radiocarbon Date: 1465 to 1320 (associated with mechanically disturbed deposits)

Radiocarbon Date: 1240 to 865 (initial occupation)

Record Identifiers

Project ID(s): 1999-0021

VAFB Document Number(s): VAFB-2000-02

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