VAFB-1990-15: The Survey and Inventory of Historic Properties Within the Titan IV/Centaur Launch Complex Study Area, VAFB, SBa Co, CA, Volume I

Author(s): Environmental Solutions, Inc.

Year: 1990


This document is an archival research and intensive survey of a 5.26 km2 study area was accomplished in support of the preparation of an environmental impact statement for the Titan IV/Centaur Launch Complex (TCLC) on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. The study area covers a broad expanse of terrain from Honda Canyon south and east to Canada Agua Vina and includes the locations of the four alternative TCLC sites considered--Space Launch Complex 6 (SLC-6), Cypress Ridge, Vina Terrace, and Boathouse Flats--as well as the locations of required utility corridors, borrow areas, roads, and other potential land-altering impacts. The research effort resulted in the inventory of 67 archaeological sites, 5 unrecorded historical sites, and 46 isolated finds or archaeologically sensitive areas. The historic properties span human occupation from the Early period into historical and modern times. The SLC-6 site is recommended as the preferred alternative from an historic preservation perspective, and the Vina Terrace site is recommended as the second choice. Selection of the Cypress Ridge or Boathouse Flats alternatives would have significantly greater impacts on the cultural environment.

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VAFB-1990-15: The Survey and Inventory of Historic Properties Within the Titan IV/Centaur Launch Complex Study Area, VAFB, SBa Co, CA, Volume I. Environmental Solutions, Inc.. 1990 ( tDAR id: 490577) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490577

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VAFB-1990-15_SurveyInventoryHistPropsWithinTitanIV_CentaurLaun... 3.12mb Dec 4, 2023 5:05:33 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich