VAFB-2000-05: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2000: Sensitive and Threatened

Author(s): Clayton G. Lebow

Year: 2000


This report documents the condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources examined during the third quarter of FY2000. Chapter 1 of this report lists the sites examined and briefly describes methods specific to the inspection of sensitive and threatened sites. The condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources is summarized in Chapter 2. Recommendations for the inspected sites are included in Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 summarizes the results. Chapter 5 is a list of references cited in this report. Appendix A consists of Cultural Resources Condition Reports documenting the condition of each sensitive and threatened site. Color slides taken at each site are bound separately, as are aerial photographs of substantial erosion at selected site.

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VAFB-2000-05: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2000: Sensitive and Threatened. Clayton G. Lebow. 2000 ( tDAR id: 490895) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490895

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