VAFB-2005-11: Archaeological and Native American Monitoring for the MCI Microcable Installation Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California

Author(s): Carole A. Denardo

Year: 2005


This report presents the results of archaeological monitoring conducted by Garcia and Associates (GANDA) along the entire length of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) passing through Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), a distance of approximately 30 miles. Between April 27 and June 30 2004, GANDA monitored ground disturbances associated with the installation of MCI's microduct and microcable.

The project purpose was to replace the obsolete fiber optic cable with a microduct and cable. It was possible to place the microduct inside the existing subsurface ductwork, followed by the insertion of microcable. Excavations of hand-dug shovel holes, referred to as "hand holes," occurred along the toe of the railroad slope in preset locations, approximately 10 to 15 feet off the centerline of the tracks. Where there were bends, breaks, or damage to the conduit, it was necessary to hand-excavate assist pits ("dig downs;" DD) of various dimensions and depths between hand holes.

Archaeological monitoring for this project established that most of the ground alongside the UPRR tracks has been previously impacted by previous railroad construction, maintenance and placement of utilities. In most instances, the disturbed cultural materials are associated with known sites. However, several locations along the tracks warrant further study, including the area surrounding DD 5a north of HH 13, DD 11, DD 14, and DD 12a. None of these artifacts is associated with recorded sites. In each case, the basalt bricks appear to be associated with railroad construction; it is possible that the bricks were placed in low-lying areas to elevate the level of the railroad tracks. The associated railroad cable in one location further suggests the use of basalt bricks in railroad construction. At DD 11, a layer of oily sand and cobbles was also noted in profile beneath the railroad tracks. Further studies in these locations could provide important information about railroad construction techniques.

In addition, a small fragment of amethyst glass found 20 feet west of DD 10 might be related to the historic railroad stop at Narlon (CA-SBA-2165H). Additional survey in this area could extend the site boundaries of CA-SBA-2165H.

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VAFB-2005-11: Archaeological and Native American Monitoring for the MCI Microcable Installation Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California. Carole A. Denardo. 2005 ( tDAR id: 490898) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8490898

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