Nationwide Ethnographic, Ethnohistoric, and Historic Review to Support Air Force Consultations with Closely Affiliated, Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes

Author(s): Versar

Year: 2010


This project was designed to support development of USAF reports and maps showing and listing those federally recognized American Indian Tribes in the Continental US with the closest past and historic affiliations to lands currently occupied by United States Air Force installations. This project was intended to support the Air Force in complying with the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) regulations at 32 CFR 229.7(b)1, which state: "In order to identify sites of religious or cultural importance, the Federal land manager shall seek to identify all Indian tribes having aboriginal or historic ties to the lands under the federal land manager's jurisdiction...". In order to accomplish this task, archival maps, and maps in the anthropological literature were consulted to produce a series of nationwide maps showing areas of past Tribal occupation. These areas of occupation were then correlated to U.S. Air Force lands to identify potential installation Tribal affiliations.

Cite this Record

Nationwide Ethnographic, Ethnohistoric, and Historic Review to Support Air Force Consultations with Closely Affiliated, Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes. Versar. 2010 ( tDAR id: 496886) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8496886

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2010-AFCEC-Tribal-Affiliation-Study.pdf 22.00mb May 2, 2024 12:55:33 PM Confidential

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