Historic Bridges: A Heritage at Risk: A Report on a Workshop on the Preservation and Management of Historic Bridges, Washington, D.C. December 3-4, 2003

Author(s): Eric DeLony; Terry Klein

Year: 2004


In the spirit of stewardship, streamlining, and sound environmental and historic bridge management, the goal of the workshop, held in Washington, D.C. December 3-4, 2003 and funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), was to provide federal and state transportation agencies, Congress, and the interested public with recommendations and solutions on how to preserve this heritage at risk. Specifically, the purpose of the workshop was to articulate and define efficient and economical strategies for historic bridge preservation and management. This report summarizes the issues, initiatives and recommendations that came out of the workshop.

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Historic Bridges: A Heritage at Risk: A Report on a Workshop on the Preservation and Management of Historic Bridges, Washington, D.C. December 3-4, 2003. Eric DeLony, Terry Klein. 2004 ( tDAR id: 497345) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8497345

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Contact(s): Jeffrey Altschul

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SRI Foundation Historic Bridges Workshop Report