Integrating Archaeological Models: Management and Compliance on Military Installations

Author(s): David Cushman; Lynne Sebastian

Year: 2008


This workshop focused on more effective use of predictive modeling on military installations. The workshop participants produced a broad set of suggestions about ways that archaeological predictive modeling could be improved as a tool for cultural resource management on military installations and be more effectively integrated into installation management, stewardship, and compliance practices.

In this pilot project we have worked with Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) in Florida and Fort Drum in New York to identify additional applications of their existing locational predictive models for planning and historic preservation compliance, assisted them in beginning a dialog with their stakeholders/consulting parties about these applications, and developed concept drafts for programmatic agreements (PAs) to implement these applications.

We have also worked with information from the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR), administered by Hill AFB, to evaluate the feasibility of developing “significance models.” As proposed here, a significance model is a set of algorithms or rules for sorting archaeological sites within a database into provisional management categories based on their potential to yield particular types of information, their traditional cultural values, and other important characteristics as defined by an installation. The proposed significance models will serve as a tool that shifts archaeological predictive modeling efforts away from the current exclusive focus on site location, and eliminate case-by-case evaluations of site significance. The models provide a more programmatic approach to evaluating site significance and establish a more effective framework for installation resource management decision-making.

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Integrating Archaeological Models: Management and Compliance on Military Installations. David Cushman, Lynne Sebastian. 2008 ( tDAR id: 497350) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8497350

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Contact(s): Jeffrey Altschul

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Legacy Resource Management Program Project(s): 06-167


General Note: Statistical Research Technical Report 08-64

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Archaeological Models Management & Compliance on Military Installations