The Buffalo in Southeastern United States Post-Pleistocene Prehistory

Author(s): Robert W. Neuman

Editor(s): Don G. Wyckoff; Jack L. Hofman

Year: 1983


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The Buffalo in Southeastern United States Post-Pleistocene Prehistory. Robert W. Neuman, Don G. Wyckoff, Jack L. Hofman. In Southeastern Natives and Their Pasts: a Collection of Papers Honoring Dr. Don E. Bell. Pp. 261-280: Oklahoma Archeological Survey, University of Oklahoma. 1983 ( tDAR id: 49855)

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Temporal Keywords
Historic Prehistoric

Spatial Coverage

min long: -98.18; min lat: 27.804 ; max long: -75.709; max lat: 36.999 ;

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 4058285

NADB citation id number(s): 000000187834