ROI123, An Archaeological Investigation of Pioneer Life in Spring Mill State Park, Lawrence County, Indiana


This is the tDAR Document page that represents Reports of Investigation 123 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia and Ib archaeological investigation at Spring Mill State Park (SMSP) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant. The primary goals of this research were to develop a more comprehensive understanding of historical activities around the main mill village, document settlement history of the village, address gaps in previous research, and to provide data to SMSP for use in future interpretation and resource management planning.

Research focused on two survey areas including 64.15 ac (25.96 ha) surrounding Pioneer Village (12LR1101) and 3.34 ac (1.35 ha) surrounding the presumed location of George Donaldson’s “Shawnee Cottage” (12LR1180). Recovered artifacts include 474 historic metal, glass, and ceramic objects dating to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and 11 precontact lithic artifacts from the Unidentified Prehistoric time period. Eight features were documented. Fieldwork did not encounter human remains. Cultural periods (as designated in SHAARD) represented in the artifact assemblage include Unidentified Prehistoric and nineteenth and twentieth century Historic.

Cite this Record

ROI123, An Archaeological Investigation of Pioneer Life in Spring Mill State Park, Lawrence County, Indiana. Hannah Ryker, Carson Wright, Kevin Nolan, Reganne O'Conner, Zoe Lawton, Christine Thompson. 2023 ( tDAR id: 501055) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501055

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.652; min lat: 38.573 ; max long: -86.02; max lat: 39.027 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Kevin Nolan; Applied Anthropolgy Laboratories, Ball State University

Principal Investigator(s): Christine Thompson

Repository(s): Applied Anthropolgy Laboratories, Ball State University

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ROI123-PDF.pdf 17.97mb Aug 15, 2024 7:13:14 AM Confidential
ROI123-PDF-Marked_Redacted.pdf 15.26mb Aug 15, 2024 7:13:13 AM Public